Some miraculous and mind-blowing facts about Astronomy which you never heard before.


                            Astronomy is not only the study of space beyond the Earth's atmosphere, It is also the peace for Astronomy's lovers. When we start learning about universe we feel that our ego, problems, sadness, etc are very very... small compare to our universe. When we start knowing more and more about our universe we release that we have very... little knowledge about Astronomy. It allow us to think in very different way. 

Not everyone is naturally attracted to Astronomy. If you are naturally attracted to Astronomy then you are one of those few, selected by the universe to understand it self closely.😍🤩😍

                      So, here I find some miraculous and mind-blowing facts about Astronomy which you never heard before. So, let start and increase the love for Astronomy by knowing some miraculous and mind-blowing facts about Astronomy.👁️👁️👁️

Some miraculous and mind-blowing facts about Astronomy are as follows:-

1) Dinosaurs existed before Saturn had rings.😮😮

2) If you able to produce a sound louder than 1100 dB, then you will able to create a black hole and ultimately destory the galaxy.🤐🤐

3) TrES-2b is the darkest planet ever discovered, the coal-black planet which absorbs almost 100% of the light that falls on it.😶😶

4) If the sun was scaled down to the size of the white blood cell, then we can also scaled the milky way galaxy to the size of the continental United States.😲😲

5) Quantum physics tell us that nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. That statement from science, hold on enormous and powerful insight. It means that everyone sees a different truth, because everyone is creating what they sees.🤩🤩

6) Titan, which is the Saturn's moon have a so thick atmosphere and the gravity is so low there, because of this humans could fly through it by flapping wings attached to their arms.🙃🙃

7) In 2017, Astronomers beamed radio message to one of the most Earth-like planets called Luytenb ( 12.4 light years away). If aliens exist there, we can expect a reply by year 2042.👽👽

8) The core of a neutron star is denser than the nucleus of the atom. A neutron star is so dense that a teaspoon of it  would weight 900 times the Pyramid of Giza.🤥🤥

9) In 1978 a plane suddenly disappeared flying over the Australia. When heard the last communication of the pilot. He said," Huge strange aircraft is hovering on top of plane". After 2 seconds he said," It is not a aircraft". Just after three days of incident we received a signal from outer-space and nobody now know where it come from. This incident till remains a Mystery now.🧐🧐

10) Every hour the universe expands by a billion miles in all directions.😇😇

11) The Earth's magnetic resonance vibrate at the same frequency as our heart rhythms and brain waves.💕💕

12) An Apollo Astronaut lost his wedding ring during his trip to the moon and found it again during a spacewalk.💫💫

13) Pluto has a heart shaped sea on its surface that is filled with poisonous ice.🧡💛

14) Our moon is constantly moving away from the Earth whereas the Andromeda Galaxy is constantly moving towards Earth. Millions of years from now, people will see a tiny moon but a huge galaxy in night sky.💥💥

15) Over 2,00,000 people have already applied for a one-way-trip to colonize on mars.🚀🚀

16) The International Space Station is the most expensive object were made by humans. It has cost 150 billion dollars so far.💵💵

17) Researchers had created a 5D disc that can record a data in 5 dimensions  and keep it safe for billions of years. It can store 360TB of data and can withstand temperatures upto 1000 degrees Celsius.😗😗

18) Mathematician Henry Segerman demonstrate how a linear third dimentional plane is only a projection of the curved fourth dimensional space.🎇🎇

19) If the Earth's don't have the moon, our days would be only 6 hours long.🌏🌎

20) Nothing rests. Everything moves. Everything vibrate. At the most fundamental level, the universe and everything which comprises it is pure vibratory energy manifesting itself in different ways. The universe has no solidity as such. Matter is merely energy in state of vibration.🙂🙂

                       These are the some miraculous and mind-blowing facts about Astronomy. I hope you like all the facts. Comments about this post.😃😃😃




  1. Replies
    1. Thanks😊I am happy that you like these facts😊😀

  2. This was truly mind-blowing to read.....Awesome 🔥👏👏

  3. Replies
    1. It is the best gift i get on my birthday.

    2. Happy birthday belated 🎂🍰🥧 I am happy that you like it ☺️☺️I will post more and more interesting content.😊 Thanks for motivate me 💜🧡💛

  4. well done Ananya!! keep going!!


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